Category Archives: 1960s

Mikhail Grobman (right) and Lev Nussberg preparing an exposition for the “Movement” exhibition. Moscow, Institute of Atomic Energy, 1966. Photo: B. Chuprynin

Mikhail Grobman at the former oil plant. 1963, Shaartuz, Tajikistan. Photo by M. Grobman (assistant V. Fedorov)

Mikhail Grobman at the former oil plant. 1963, Shaartuz, Tajikistan. Photo by M. Grobman (assistant V. Fedorov)

Mikhail Grobman. The headwaters of Kafirnigan near Dushanbe, Tajikistan, 1963. Photo by Mikhail Grobman (assistant Volodya Fedorov)

Mikhail Grobman on the railway platform (between Akbulak and Buzuluk), returning from the Shaartuz expedition. Kazakhstan, 1963. Photo by Mikhail Grobman (assistant Volodya Fedorov)

From right to left: Mikhail Grobman, Boris Lavrov, Eduard Zelenin, Leonard Daniltsev. August 4, 1966, Moscow, st. Studencheskaya. Photo by Ed. Zelenina (with assistant)

Ira Vrubel-Golubkina in the yard of her house. Moscow, Tekstilshchiki. July 10, 1966. Photo by Mikhail Grobman

Standing (from left to right): I. Grobman, I. Shilova, E. Steinberg, Yu. Tyurin, S. Konovalov; sitting: G. Manevich and M. Grobman, at the opening day of the exhibition of M. Grobman, E. Steinberg, S. Konovalov and Y. Tyurin in the F. M. Dostoevsky Museum, 1962, Moscow