Category Archives: 1980’s

Mikhail Grobman (right) and Shmuel Ackerman painting a police wall. “Migrash Ha-rusim”, Jerusalem, 1980. Photo: studio “Galia”

Mikhail Grobman (right) and Shmuel Ackerman painting a police wall. “Migrash Ha-rusim”, Jerusalem, 1980. Photo: studio “Galia”

Mikhail Grobman (right) and Shmuel Ackerman painting a police wall. “Migrash Ha-rusim”, Jerusalem, 1980. Photo: studio “Galia”

Mikhail Grobman (right) and Shmuel Ackerman painting a police wall. “Migrash Ha-rusim”, Jerusalem, 1980. Photo: studio “Galia”

Mikhail Grobman (left) and Shmuel Ackerman painting a police wall. “Migrash Ha-rusim”, Jerusalem, 1980. Photo: studio “Galia”

Right to left: Yevgeny Yevtushenko, Mikhail Grobman, Mark Sheps, Becky Freistadt at the Avant-Garde – Revolution – Avant-Garde exhibition. Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Tel Aviv, 1988

Right to left: Yevgeny Yevtushenko, Mikhail Grobman, Mark Sheps near works by Mikhail Grobman at the Avant-Garde – Revolution – Avant-Garde exhibition. Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Tel Aviv, 1988

Yevgeny Yevtushenko (left) and Mikhail Grobman near works by Vladimir Nekrasov and Vladimir Pyatnitsky at the Avant-Garde – Revolution – Avant-Garde exhibition. Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Tel Aviv, 1988

Left to right: Yevgeny Yevtushenko, Mikhail Grobman, Irina Grobman near works by Vladimir Nekrasov and Vladimir Pyatnitsky at the Avant-Garde – Revolution – Avant-Garde exhibition. Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Tel Aviv, 1988

From right to left: Mikhail Grobman, Uzi Agasi, Ilya Kabakov at the “Beautiful 60s” exhibition. University Gallery, Tel Aviv, 1989

From left to right: Dina Blikh, Boris Yukhvets, Mikhail Grobman. Installation “Angel of Death”. Kassel, 1987

From left to right: Mikhail Grobman, Dina Blikh, Boris Yukhvets. Installation “Angel of Death”. Kassel, 1987

From left to right: Dina Blikh, Mikhail Grobman, Boris Yukhvets, Irina Grobman. Installation “Angel of Death”. Kassel, 1987

Mikhail Grobman (right) and Yevgeny Yevtushenko at the Avant-Garde-Revolution-Avant-garde exhibition. 1988, Tel Aviv Art Museum

Mikhail Grobman (right) and Yevgeny Yevtushenko at the Avant-Garde-Revolution-Avant-garde exhibition. 1988, Tel Aviv Art Museum

Reception in honor of the Leviathan group at the Israeli consulate. From left to right: Kurt Gebauer, Jiri Sopko, Philip Pudra, Boris Yukhvets, Yugoslav, Mikhail Grobman, David Susana, woman – head. Department of Culture in the Marseilles municipality, Ira Vrubel-Golubkina, behind her – an unknown person, Patrus Kruk, Yugoslav, Ilya Zundelevich (participants of the exhibition “Abatuar”. Marseille, 1989

Mikhail Grobman (right) and Avigdor (Ivet) Liberman at a meeting of the Zionist Forum seminar. Ramat Efal, 1989

Mikhail Grobman (right) as Porfiry Petrovich and Grigory Patlas as Raskolnikov at the rehearsal of the pantomime “Raskolnikov’s Dream”, Tsavta club, Jerusalem, 1981

Mikhail Grobman as Porfiry Petrovich at the rehearsal of the pantomime “Raskolnikov’s Dream”, Tsavta club, Jerusalem, 1981

Moti Omer (right) and Mikhail Grobman. Exhibition “The Beautiful 60s”, University Gallery, Tel Aviv University, 1989

Mikhail Grobman with Burliuk on the roof of his house, st. Jabotinsky, Tel Aviv, 1985, photo by Lev Borodulin

Exhibition Beautiful 60s. From left to right: Mikhail Grobman, Zlata, Ilya Kabakov, Uzi Narkis. Ramat Aviv, 1989

Exhibition Beautiful 60s. From right to left: Roni Somek, Mikhail Grobman, Ilya Kabakov. Ramat Aviv, 1989

Exhibition Beautiful 60s. From right to left: Mikhail Grobman, Uzi Agasi, Ilya Kabakov. Ramat Aviv, 1989

From right to left: Evgeny Yevtushenko, Mikhail Grobman, Mark Sheps at Grobman’s works at the exhibition “Avant-garde – Revolution – Avant-garde”. Tel Aviv Art Museum, December 11, 1988

Left to right: Mic. Grobman, Yehezkel Streichman, Pinkhas Abramovich, Sasha Ackerman. Jerusalem, Vernissage of Abramovich, 7 February 1981

From left to right: Mikhail Grobman, Ihezkel Streichman, Rami Cohen, Eva Aronovna Golubkina. At the vernissage of Mikhail Grobman at the Tova Osman Gallery. Tel Aviv. May 11, 1989. Photo: Yasha Grobman

Mikhail Grobman and art critic Miriam Tal at the opening day of Dina Podolskaya at the Arta Gallery. Jerusalem. April 17, 1980

Mikhail Grobman with his daughter Zlata at his opening day at the Zvi Noam Gallery, 1984, Tel Aviv. Photo by Lazar Dranker

From right to left: Mikhail Grobman, Uzi Agasi, Ilya Kabakov in front of the work of Grobman and Kabakov at the exhibition “The Beautiful 60s” at the University Gallery in Tel Aviv, 1989

Mikhail Grobman and Israeli artist Yehezkel Streichman (right) at Mikhail Grobman’s vernissage at the Tova Osman gallery, 1989, Tel Aviv

After the Khlebnikov-100 procession. Right to left: Mikhail Grobman, MK and Minister Yossi Sarid, writer and publisher Gabriel Moked, 1985, Tel Aviv

First row (from left to right): Ilya Zundelevich, Andrey Reznitsky, Zlata Grobman, Natasha Levin, Misha Gendelev. Second row (from left to right): Mara Zundelevich, Haim Basin, Anatoly Basin, Masha Buman, Lev Melamid, Ida Blokh. Vernissage of Mikhail Grobman at the Zvi Noam Gallery, 1984, Tel Aviv. Photo by Lazar Dranker

End of the “Khlebnikov-100” procession, Mikhail Grobman on horseback, 1985, Tel Aviv (left – M. Borodulin)

Mikhail Grobman and Ilya Kabakov dancing at the exhibition “The Beautiful 60s”, Tel Aviv University Gallery, 1989

Mikhail Grobman (right) translates Ilya Kabakov’s (center) speech , far left – Mark Sheps, 1989, Tel Aviv Art Museum

Mikhail Grobman and Ilya Kabakov sign the album “Beautiful 60s”, 1989, studio of Meir Lyushi, Tel Aviv. Photo by Uzi Agasi

From left to right: Ira Grobman, Dani Trach, Vladimir Kotlyarov, Ludwig Levin. Mikhail Grobman at the wall of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher after Kotlyarov’s performance, 1981, Jerusalem

Ira Grobman, Mikhail Grobman, Boris Yukhvets, Ilya Zundelevich in the installation of Mikhail Grobman “1989”, 1989, Marseille, Abatuar

First row (from left to right): I. Grobman, M. Gendelev, V. Glozman, M. Kedem (Gerasimov), M. Vayskop. Second row (from left to right): M. Grobman, I. Glozman, A. Volokhonsky, M. Kaganskaya, L. Katz, G. Kellerman, 1981, at Grobman’s house, Tel Aviv

Ilya Kabakov and Mikhail Grobman at the “Beautiful 60s” exhibition at the University Gallery in Tel Aviv, 1989

From left to right: Mikhail Grobman, his wife Ira, their son Yasha at home on the balcony. 29.6.1985, Tel Aviv, Jabotinsky, 69. Photo by Lev Borodulin

At the Personal Choice exhibition in the Radius Gallery near Grobman’s works. From left to right: Ira Grobman, Tanya Preminger, Jan Rauchverger, Mikhail Grobman, Ira Raikhvarger, Boris Yukhvets. Tel Aviv, Dizengoff Center, 11.2.1984. Photo by Lazar Dranker

M. Grobman at Misha Ivanov’s exhibition at the House of Artists, Jerusalem, 1980. Photo by Anatoly Basin

Yasha Grobman on the roof of the Grobman’s house, st. Zhabotinsky, Tel Aviv, 1985. Photo by Lev Borodulin

From left to right: Grobman, Vika Mochalova, Ira Grobman, Ilya Kabakov, Moti Omer, Anton Nosik, Uzi Aga Agasi on the morning of the opening of the exhibition “The Beautiful 60s”, University Gallery, Tel Aviv University, 1989

From left to right: Zlata Grobman, Ilya Kabakov, Ira Grobman, M. Grobman, Shlomo Lahat (Chich), Uzi Narkis. At the opening day of the exhibition “The Beautiful 60s” in the gallery of Tel Aviv University, 1989.